

I was dancing today. I jumped up, did 180 degree turn and came down on the outside of my left foot instead of the sole. I fell. I felt my ankle burning with fire and I forced myself to move it to make sure I could. As I breathed through the pain, my senses awoke. I became more aware of the sensation going on in my body than the actual pain. What a beautiful thing. Our minds can not only tell us that a part of our body is in pain, but we can detach ourselves from that feeling and interpret what it feels like. In doing so, the pain melts and you become acutely aware of your breathing, the airy feeling in your head, the noises being blurred and running together. As I focused and became aware of the pain, while breathing through it, it faded. I got up and walked on my foot. Although still kindling with fire I was more aware that my hearing was blurred and my eyes were moving at an oddly rapid pace. The experience was revolutionary. In some degree, I controlled how much pain I felt. My mind switched to how my body was responding rather than the pain itself. It was absolutely beautiful.

The other day, a friend said this to me, Your mind creates the world around you. Now I have experienced that to be true.