
day 58 : dec 10

day 58

today, a friend is coming over and we are going to bake some wonderful christmas treats for friends. =) i am very excited.

i am also very excited about this:

Kaldi's Holiday Roast

farewell for now,


day 59 : dec 9

day 57
enjoying a day off

today i am actually going to rest; no work, just play. that includes drinking Kaldi's Holiday Roast, watching Boondock Saints on our new 40" flat screen tv, & baking cookies & other goodies for friend's Christmas gifts. oh boy! i am excited. a whole day of staying inside & listening to a fine frenzy & smiling. because it's cold outside & you have to enjoy God's pleasures somehow.

farewell for now,


day 53 : dec 5

day 53

as you can tell i am not very good at keeping up with things. BUT i have gotten a lot accomplished since starting this blog. i think it's the "buckling down" factor of my life & continue to do things that i have started.

i have continued to work out at least 3 times a week.
i have continued to pray every day.
i have continued to read my bible 5 times a week.

i'm happy with achieving those goals. =)

i also started P90X last friday, november 27. i have done the routine for a week now. today was my first day on a new routine as i am switching to the "lean" workout system. it's amazing. tony horton is insane & i am very happy with pushing myself to be insane with him. i feel like somehow i want the videos to last longer than an hour because i want to keep going. crazy. we'll see if i can continue this for 90 days. =)

farewell for now,


day 28 : nov 10

day 28 : goal 1,386
continue blogging

it's been awhile. once you get out of the groove of things, it feels like you failed something & usually never get back to it. well here i am. ready to continue to blog about some little dumb goal i put up on the web for some reason or another. i've decided to make these goals worth something. sure, sure i have a problem with being productive but the Lord has blessed me so much in the past month that it would be dumb to continue to make these goals trivial.

the Lord will provide.

so my goal today is to smash my pride & continue with this blog & not just let it get lost & put on the list of things i started & never completed. ha. it feels good.

farewell for now,


day 17 : oct 30

day 17 : goal 17
have fun at MWRBC

i am leaving this morning to go to saint louis to volunteer at the midwest regional barista competition. i think i would like to compete one day, so this will be a great experience. :) maybe i can aspire to compete in a year or so.

farewell for now,

edit @ 30.10.09 20:03
goal achieved

wow! i did not have any idea what i was getting myself into! the midwest regional barista competition was amazing! i was blessed to be the head runner & help set up all the competing baristas - this included bringing their carts out with all their mugs, milk, pitchers, etc on them, fitting competitors with mics, telling them when they were going to go on for prep & then competing. it was a blast! if i only could have stayed for tomorrow that would have been awesome; but opening the store tomorrow will be a blast because i will be able to rave about how cool the competition was!

it looks like i will aspire to compete next year. whoa - BIG goal. check out some of the streaming video we took today. MWRBC Day 1 Competitors


day 16 : oct 29

day 16 : goal 16
watch a movie

i refuse to do anything today. besides have the chevy people come out & take my stupid truck away from me because it has a flat tire. did i mention i f-ed up my road bike on the spill i took yesterday? i didn't realize it until now as i took it out of the bed of my truck. the handlebar is cranked over to one side, probably from colliding into the ground. good thing that was not my head.

i will watch reign over me today & feel better.

farewell for now,

edit @ 30.10.09 6:39
goal achieved

i watched about 45 minutes of the movie & got to hang out with friends today after my truck was picked up & taken to the dealer.



day 15 : oct 28

day 15 : goal 15
make soup today

seriously, i will make soup today!! even if i have to make it this afternoon, it will get done! i also want to finish painting my furniture because it is almost done & when i complete that, my room will be done!

farewell for now,

edit @ 28.10.09 22:15
goal achieved

yum! lemon grass, ginger, garlic, kale, zucchini, peppers, potatoes, lentils, tomato juice, vegetable bouillon cubes, oregano, salt & pepper! i'm really happy with how it turned out - tomorrow i will probably cook up some onions to mix in as well. i've got soup for the next week! & the bread is in the oven!

day 14 : oct 27

goal 14 : day 14
make soup tonight

i got plenty of root vegetables at the farmer's market on saturday so i want to make soup out of them so i can start eating from home when i go to work & am out & about all day.

farewell for now,

edit @ 27.10.09 6:43
goal unreached

i got a flat tire today so i was not able to make dinner, i had to go get it fixed & then babysat little Ian! hopefully today i will!


day 13 : oct 26

day 13 : goal 13
go to the store for bread supplies

i really want to start making my own bread at home, now that i know how -- so i need to run to the grocery & get what i need.

farewell for now,

edit @ 26.10.09 16:46
goal achieved

ran to HyVee & got organic flour, brown sugar, yeast, soy milk, half & half, feta cheese, garlic, dijon mustard & raspberries. then i made my homemade granola, as i forgot how amazing it was and will strive to make it every other week at least! because it is the most amazing tasting thing i have ever had. not any other thing compares to my granola to eat for breakfast! tomorrow is soup making day & maybe i can throw some bread into the mix too before i babysit baby Ian. :)

i also painted this little end table today,

& made granola,

& peach crumble from my favorite cookbook, More-with-Less!
Today was a very productive day. :)


day 12 : oct 25

day 12 : goal 12
trust in the Lord

you know, there are always times you want to believe in something or someone so that your hopes will be reality. but it is false hope, because hope in the wrong thing always crumbles; just as the tide carries the sand into the sea. the Lord has blessed me with a sense of being prepared for things -- and honestly, He blessed me with an inexpressible joy throughout them. i know it is all Him, therefore there's nothing to be stupefied about.

farewell for now,

edit @ 25.10.09 22:52
goal achieved


day 11 : oct 24

day 11 : goal 11
buy some really cool antique thing to put in room, to place organizational stuff on

i am looking for a sweet side table or something like that to put wicker baskets on so i can put all of my crafties in. yesterday, i went through my whole closet & threw into boxes what i do not need & will be taking that stuff to the salvation army today. i am also going to try and look for an old, cheap, beautiful piece of furniture that will look great in my room. we will see how it goes!

i am also going to the farmer's market for the first time on saturday today with my friend ann. i am totally and overwhelmingly excited. squash, pumpkins, greens galore!

farewell for now,

edit @ 25.10.09 14:29
goal achieved

i got an amazing end table for by my bed & a sweet little piano bench for the end of my bed / below the window in my room for $35!


day 10 : oct 23

dear friend--

day 10 : goal 10
go through & get rid of things unneeded

well... my internet was down for a few days & i haven't really had time to blog somewhere else. but i did have goals for the past three days-- they will just be shortened. goal 8: rearrange room. check. goal 9: buy something to put crafts in. fail.

today's goal is to clean & get rid of stuff so i can actually fit in another organizational thing in my room. i really need a place to put all my buttons, knits, and crafty stuff. i would really like a little workspace in my room so that's what i am really trying to get together this weekend. tonight & tomorrow morning. we'll see!

farewell for now,

edit @ 24.10.09 7:59
goal achieved

i have two medium sized boxes filled with things i do not need, extending from clothing to bathroom accessories to shoes & i am getting rid of all of it today! yay!


day 7 : oct 20

dear friend--

day 7 : goal 7
clean room & possibly buy something to keep room organized

so i really need to keep my room organized. not to the point where i just shove everything in my closet so my room appears to be clean while clothes are still strewn all over the place. i actually want to keep it clean & organized. so my goal today is to clean it & then see what i can possibly purchase (hopefully from a second hand shop) to keep everything in its place. will i be successful?

farewell for now,

edit @ 21:28 20.10.09
goal semi-achieved

i went to target today to look at desks & come to find out, i am indecisive. like crazy. i found what i thought would be the perfect desk, visualized it in my room, saw how everything would organize, got some bins to be even more organized and put everything in my cart. 25 steps away from the checkout, i changed my mind, turned the cart around and put everything back. i think tomorrow i will go to goodwill & this little antique shop i have always wanted to go to & look to see if i can find anything there. i am happy with this decision. i tried, i found something, i decided it would be too much money & may not be the perfect thing for my room, so i did not buy it & thought how to do it for less.

it is only easy to spend money on things i splurge on. like vibram five fingers shoes, vintage buttons and cycling tights. hopefully this mindset will come to an end.


day 6 : oct 19

dear friend--

day 6 : goal 6
do not cry

farewell for now,

edit @ 20:52 19.10.09
goal achieved!



day 5 : oct 18

dear friend--  

day 5 : goal 5
learn to make bread in the oven

so this is kind of cheating, but i am going over to a friend's house today to learn how to bake bread! i have been excited about it for a week & therefore it is my goal today. ahhh, until next time, when i am a bread baking bee.

farewell for now,

edit @ 22:34 18.10.09
goal achieved

i made yummy french bread! it is delicious!


day 4 : oct 17

dear friend--

day 4 : goal 4
have patience @ work

okay so that is a pretty undescriptive. but i want to be able to go the whole day without losing it. sometimes i just except people to know everything and be really polite. that is just never going to happen. & i want to love people no matter what, instead of judging them or excepting more from people. it is not like i do not have patience at work, but today i want to go into work serving the people around me because i can. & that excites my heart. to cherish people & make their day even when they only think they are coming in to get lunch & a cup of coffee. hopefully it will be a blessing for us all.

farewell for now,

edit @ 21:10 17.10.09
goal achieved

today was a rough day. just like any other day & i did not lose my patience. it was beautiful. i just clung to the fact that i wanted to serve everyone who walked into my store because well, it is my duty. it is my duty to serve & love people. today even had a few kinks thrown into it & somehow i made it through. yee-haw.

until tomorrow.


day 3 : oct 16

dear friend--

day 3 : goal 3
post more Lego mini-figure earrings on my Etsy site

considering i took all those pictures of my Lego mini-figures but still have not uploaded them to my Etsy site, it may prove to have been a waste of my time. although, posting them up isn't as hard as i make it sound, just time consuming. i have to come up with cute little descriptions, prices, titles, & hit "done."

okay seriously, i need to do something uber fun & exciting today because i work tomorrow & that means i'll have had a really long, long, long week by the end of tomorrow. i am going to a Chinese Dumpling Festival tonight with a friend of mine... ahhh, dumplings.

farewell for now,

edit @ 10:33pm 16.10.09
goal unreached

when i was blogging about today's goal, i was really trying to dig deeper for another goal, because i just wasn't feeling this goal. & i knew that i would hardly have any time on the computer today. so there's my excuse. i think if my goal would have been, have an in depth conversation with someone about Jesus, i would have achieved it. but i know today wasn't a failure because i had a beautiful day, this has just taught me to keep my word when i saw i am wanting to do something. & definitely had enough fun to be able to go to work tomorrow energized. ♥


day 2 : oct 15

dear friend--

day 2 : goal 2
today my goal is to clean my room.

it is a mess. it will only take about an hour or so to put everything away, but because i did so much with my jewelry last night and had other plans all throughout the day, all my crafty left overs got piled in places they should not be. i also received a package in the mail yesterday with all my fall clothes in it, and because i do not have enough hangers all my clothes ended up on the floor. needless to say, it needs to be picked up or i will have visual a.d.d. every second that i am home.

i have about a hour or two free time between when i get off and before i have some commitments with people. rock n roll.


edit @ 20:45 15.10.09
goal semi-achieved

so i picked up my room, but it is still not as clean as it needs to be. instead of achieving my goal set for today, i:
1) cut my hair ... mohawk

2) got my nose pierced, twice (in addition to my septum piercing that i already have - pictures to follow)



day 1 : oct 14

dear friend--

sometimes you need a bit of encouragement getting anything done. i myself always need a reason and at times an explanation of why i should do something. i guess i have been like this since childhood. but the world does not guarantee favor for results and that is why i have decided to set a small goal each day to promote organization and break my procrastinating spirit. these will be small goals, possibly larger goals as my aspirations increase, but a goal nonetheless. and i hope to finish it by the end of each day by 9pm. considering i wake up at 4am each morning, every morning but wednesday & saturday, i believe this is achievable. please come along with me on this journey as it may encourage you to be more productive as well.

let's get to it.

day 1 : goal 1
to bring all my handmade jewelry back to Maude V.

i sell vintage button earrings at a local vintage store here in town and i still have not taken them back to the store since we had a peace festival in Columbia that i was selling them at. i believe that was around two weeks ago.

i have a feeling this blog may hold me more accountable than expected. i guess we will see.

farewell for now,

edit @ 17:31 14.10.09
goal achieved.

i took 41 pieces into Maude V. and redid my display. not only did i start displaying my merchandise again, but i also took new pictures of my new Lego mini-figure earrings! glorious.