dear friend--
day 3 : goal 3
post more Lego mini-figure earrings on my Etsy site
considering i took all those pictures of my Lego mini-figures but still have not uploaded them to my Etsy site, it may prove to have been a waste of my time. although, posting them up isn't as hard as i make it sound, just time consuming. i have to come up with cute little descriptions, prices, titles, & hit "done."
okay seriously, i need to do something uber fun & exciting today because i work tomorrow & that means i'll have had a really long, long, long week by the end of tomorrow. i am going to a Chinese Dumpling Festival tonight with a friend of mine... ahhh, dumplings.
farewell for now,
edit @ 10:33pm 16.10.09
goal unreached
when i was blogging about today's goal, i was really trying to dig deeper for another goal, because i just wasn't feeling this goal. & i knew that i would hardly have any time on the computer today. so there's my excuse. i think if my goal would have been, have an in depth conversation with someone about Jesus, i would have achieved it. but i know today wasn't a failure because i had a beautiful day, this has just taught me to keep my word when i saw i am wanting to do something. & definitely had enough fun to be able to go to work tomorrow energized. ♥