
day 4 : oct 17

dear friend--

day 4 : goal 4
have patience @ work

okay so that is a pretty undescriptive. but i want to be able to go the whole day without losing it. sometimes i just except people to know everything and be really polite. that is just never going to happen. & i want to love people no matter what, instead of judging them or excepting more from people. it is not like i do not have patience at work, but today i want to go into work serving the people around me because i can. & that excites my heart. to cherish people & make their day even when they only think they are coming in to get lunch & a cup of coffee. hopefully it will be a blessing for us all.

farewell for now,

edit @ 21:10 17.10.09
goal achieved

today was a rough day. just like any other day & i did not lose my patience. it was beautiful. i just clung to the fact that i wanted to serve everyone who walked into my store because well, it is my duty. it is my duty to serve & love people. today even had a few kinks thrown into it & somehow i made it through. yee-haw.

until tomorrow.


day 3 : oct 16

dear friend--

day 3 : goal 3
post more Lego mini-figure earrings on my Etsy site

considering i took all those pictures of my Lego mini-figures but still have not uploaded them to my Etsy site, it may prove to have been a waste of my time. although, posting them up isn't as hard as i make it sound, just time consuming. i have to come up with cute little descriptions, prices, titles, & hit "done."

okay seriously, i need to do something uber fun & exciting today because i work tomorrow & that means i'll have had a really long, long, long week by the end of tomorrow. i am going to a Chinese Dumpling Festival tonight with a friend of mine... ahhh, dumplings.

farewell for now,

edit @ 10:33pm 16.10.09
goal unreached

when i was blogging about today's goal, i was really trying to dig deeper for another goal, because i just wasn't feeling this goal. & i knew that i would hardly have any time on the computer today. so there's my excuse. i think if my goal would have been, have an in depth conversation with someone about Jesus, i would have achieved it. but i know today wasn't a failure because i had a beautiful day, this has just taught me to keep my word when i saw i am wanting to do something. & definitely had enough fun to be able to go to work tomorrow energized. ♥


day 2 : oct 15

dear friend--

day 2 : goal 2
today my goal is to clean my room.

it is a mess. it will only take about an hour or so to put everything away, but because i did so much with my jewelry last night and had other plans all throughout the day, all my crafty left overs got piled in places they should not be. i also received a package in the mail yesterday with all my fall clothes in it, and because i do not have enough hangers all my clothes ended up on the floor. needless to say, it needs to be picked up or i will have visual a.d.d. every second that i am home.

i have about a hour or two free time between when i get off and before i have some commitments with people. rock n roll.


edit @ 20:45 15.10.09
goal semi-achieved

so i picked up my room, but it is still not as clean as it needs to be. instead of achieving my goal set for today, i:
1) cut my hair ... mohawk

2) got my nose pierced, twice (in addition to my septum piercing that i already have - pictures to follow)



day 1 : oct 14

dear friend--

sometimes you need a bit of encouragement getting anything done. i myself always need a reason and at times an explanation of why i should do something. i guess i have been like this since childhood. but the world does not guarantee favor for results and that is why i have decided to set a small goal each day to promote organization and break my procrastinating spirit. these will be small goals, possibly larger goals as my aspirations increase, but a goal nonetheless. and i hope to finish it by the end of each day by 9pm. considering i wake up at 4am each morning, every morning but wednesday & saturday, i believe this is achievable. please come along with me on this journey as it may encourage you to be more productive as well.

let's get to it.

day 1 : goal 1
to bring all my handmade jewelry back to Maude V.

i sell vintage button earrings at a local vintage store here in town and i still have not taken them back to the store since we had a peace festival in Columbia that i was selling them at. i believe that was around two weeks ago.

i have a feeling this blog may hold me more accountable than expected. i guess we will see.

farewell for now,

edit @ 17:31 14.10.09
goal achieved.

i took 41 pieces into Maude V. and redid my display. not only did i start displaying my merchandise again, but i also took new pictures of my new Lego mini-figure earrings! glorious.